Let’s Reflect and Reset for 2024

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2023 provided its fair share of challenges, highlights and opportunities, with many businesses and people feeling the pinch.

From adversity can come opportunity. As the new year begins, it’s time to reflect on the past year, celebrate the highlights, and think about what brought the adversities, identifying the easy improvements you can make for quick wins in 2024. Revisiting your budget, checking there is an efficient tax structure and learning how to increase your cashflow are great places to start.

We can never plan for every possibility, but we can prepare. To help you evaluate 2023 and plan for 2024, ask yourself the following questions, write down your answers and put them somewhere safe for revisiting at the end of the year:

  1. What are you most proud of from 2023?
  2. What was your biggest learning?
  3. What is the most valuable thing you learned about yourself?
  4. Who were the most influential and supportive people for you?
  5. What three things from the year are you most grateful for?
  6. What do you wish you’d done more of?
  7. What do you wish you’d done less of?
  8. What three words sum up the year for you?
  9. What skills could you better utilise this year?
  10. What areas should you stretch this year?
  11. What will success look like to you in 2024?

The start of the year is a great time to reflect and learn from the challenges of the year past, plan for the year ahead and schedule an annual catch-up. We have a range of services to support you.

Even if you’re not sure we can help you with the challenges you could be facing, get in touch, and if we can’t help, we’ll steer you in the direction of the best person or firm to help you.

In 2024, let’s focus on the small things that will have the most impact. Here’s to a positive, successful, and happy 2024!

Get In Touch With Us

Focus on what you love - we’ll handle the accounting. Wherever you are, we’ve got you covered. We’re here to support your business through its next evolution.

Address: Unit 9/1 Putaki Drive, Kumeū 0810

PO Box: Evolve Accounting, PO Box 188, Kumeū 0841

Email: info@evolveaccounting.co.nz

09 390 0360